
October 27, 2020

My Co-Worker Doesn't Wear Pants

Molly Weiss

It comes as no surprise that fostering and pet adoptions have skyrocketed in the last two months! Animals have an innate ability to bring serenity, love and happiness to our lives. At J2T we’ve been avid pet lovers for over 20 years. Check out what our beloved coworkers have been up to!

My co-worker has arrived late every day, which might have something to do with his extra look these days!
I think my co-worker is drinking on the job... just a hunch.
My co-workers are key members of the party planning committee. Here they are spotted planning for the Zoom lunch and learn next week. Seems like they are focusing more on lunch rather than learn….bacon anyone?
My co-worker has been getting really into gardening lately. Tomato plants are her favorite. She says she feels stuck without it.
My co-workers are bad influences, constantly trying to convince me to leave early for backdoor happy hours... look at the guilt in those eyes!
My co-worker is nocturnal and we had no idea when we hired him....
My co-worker's kids dyed his hair purple... he's not sure how he feels about the new look.
Caught my co-worker sleeping on the job. I think he's experiencing that Zoom fatigue everyone is talking about.
My co-worker just feels like life is upside down right now.
My co-worker is in love with an ass...